Here are the top ten reasons why being a Children's Party Planner is the greatest job in the world:
1. Shopping. Lots of it.
2. Colour. It's a very flamboyant world where sparkles, twinkle lights, feather boas and balloons fill the space around me.
3. I make kids smile. From the moment they get their treasure box invitation.
4. Birthday cake. Sometimes a hazard of the job, but I'll take my chances.
5. It lets my creative juices flow as I'm always sourcing out the coolest decorations, invitation ideas, costume accessories, activities, loot bag contents and prizes.
6a. My kids can boast about what I do. 6b. Their friends think I'm cool.
7. I always have supplies on hand for my own kids' parties. (How many people keep helium in their basement?)
8. I have to test the karaoke machine once in a while. These "sound checks" can last for hours.
9. It's a great excuse to get out of doing stuff you really don't want to do, like housework, laundry, feeding your kids...
10. It's very freeing to slip into a hippo costume for a few minutes and dance around or give hugs to kids who are instantly impressed.
Fun video clip! You're famous!!!!