You will need:
white tube sock
fuzzy sock (dollar store has great selection)
ploy-fil filling
white string
brown, orange pipe cleaners
tiny and small black fuzzy balls
white glue
1) Cut the tube sock just above the heel.
2) Fill the sock with poly-fil
3) tie open end of sock (tight)
4) tie around where neck will be - down from tied end (not as tight)
5) tie around waist (even less tight)
6) cut toe part of fuzzy sock almost to heel
7) roll open part of fuzzy sock to make hat
8) put hat on snowman at tied end
9) cut and fold brown pipe cleaner to make branch arms and stick in body
10) cut 1/2" orange pipe cleaner and stick in head as nose
11) glue tiny black balls as eyes and smile
12) glue small black balls as buttons
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