It's been almost four years since the dream became a reality. Hullabaloo Party Planner for Children was born in a dining room/office with my children huddled around offering suggestions for everything from the company name to the logo. We came up with the name "Hullabaloo" and a blue hippo mascot that my son drew. That hippo would later get the name "Balooberry" as Lisa McDonald (@those2girls on Twitter) won the naming contest.
As the number of party themes increased, so too did the number of storage bins and shelving units. A home office in the basement was born and in January of this year, my new business partner Breanne Cram (@bre_creative) joined me in that office. We brought Hullabaloo and Bre Creative together under a new corporation, Parallela Inc. (Just ask her about my parallel parking and our easy symmetry to understand the name.)
We celebrate our collaboration, Hullabaloo's 4th birthday and Bre Creative's 1st birthday with a contest like no other we've previously offered: Breanne's stunning face painting talent, my "enthusiastic" balloon twisting, hand-made invitations, beautiful decorations, cute costume accessories, more-fun-than-they-can-handle games (with prizes for everyone, ahem) and of course the gift baskets, I mean quality loot bags. (Seriously, I'm very proud of the work I put into them.)
These elements all come together for a memorable event in your own home and fabulous photo opportunities.
Excited? Just shoot us an e-mail at info@parallela.ca and tell us why your family deserves this great prize, valued at over $400. Good Luck!
Contest ends August 4th, 2011. Winner announced August 5th. By entering, you agree to obtain permission from your guests' parents for us to photograph the event and use the pictures in our promotinal materials. Party must take place before August 5th, 2012.