The first time I realized my children really were growing up and their time with me was limited was when my third and last child didn't need me to go trick-or-treating with her. It was like a blow to the stomach to find out that this annual event was no more. Hallowe'en was my second favourite holiday, next to Christmas and without trick-or-treating I might as well don a robe and slippers and shuffle to the door to dole out candy.
It was in that moment, that moment when I realized childhood eventually ends that I felt like less of a parent - less of a mom.
So much that goes on in social media that's directed at parents speaks to parents of small children. I'm on the outside looking in. No, I don't want to enter that contest for the swim diapers. No, I don't want to read about the stroller recall or how to decide if French immersion is right for my child.
I want to find out how other moms talked to their daughters about the dreaded Aunt Flo (maybe by not calling it that). How other parents struggled with finding their eldest daughter had been drinking. What can I do to encourage my teenaged son to be physically active without making him feel put down about his weight?
Tweet after tweet and wall post after wall post I seek out parents who are still parenting - even if their children are no longer keeping them up at night or dressing up for Hallowe'en. We are no less of a parent. But it sure can be lonely.