Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Party Tips - Part Une

  1. put name tags on all the guests. And write their names on them. Just sayin’.
  2. get the parents’ phone numbers as they drop off their children.
  3. put a number on each child’s name tag to determine the order for games, gift unwrapping, etc. The kids embrace the structure!
  4. check out for your birthday child for gift-giving - charitable and eco-friendly.
  5. have at least one activity for guests to do as they arrive such as a craft, tattoos, nail polish, etc.
  6. have your child’s party between meals to save money but still provide nutritious snacks.
  7. have a prize for each child if you are doing games with prizes. Nothing is sadder than little Bobby saying “do I get a pwize?”
  8. have cupcakes for the guests to decorate instead of a cake. Tell them it’s a Transformers cake.
  9. put your e-mail address as well on the invitation for the RSVP – some people prefer that to picking up the phone.
  10. if they work with your theme, use your child’s toys as part of the decorations. Their toys. Not yours.

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