"Write a post on your blog in response to the following hypothetical situation: Electrical storms are going to wipe out the Internet (perhaps forever). You have one day left to write about your passions: what do you want to say to the blogosphere in 300 words or less?" http://www.mabel.ca/blogher/blogher+home
Through all the glue-gunning, basket-packing, balloon-blowing, child-herding and finally vomit-on-the-carpet-cleaning, one thought resonates with me: “Mamas – you’re doing it wrong.” But that’s okay, because I’m here to help. I’m a Children’s Party Planner and from “do I get a pwize?” to “that was the best party EVER!” I’ve seen it all.
People call me because they are stymied when it comes to meeting their own over-the-top expectations when it comes to their child’s birthday party. I’m here to say, don’t let the “Four Lacks” get you down: Lack of Money, Inspiration, Time or Help (MITH). Keeping up with the Johars should come down to one thing: did the kids have the best party EVER? (and did they get a “pwize?”) Let’s blow MITH out of the proverbial punch bowl and put Inspiration at the top of the list. The rest will follow because if you have a really great idea for your child’s party, if you’re really letting the creative juices flow (can I get a Disney Princess napkin over here?), then your excitement, CONFIDENCE and newfound energy to make this thing happen will overcome the other obstacles.
Sit down with your child and ask what he or she would like for a party. Brainstorm about themes because everything from colour scheme to food to activities will need a solid foundation that is your theme. Write down everything your child says and reject no idea up front.
Finally, it’s okay to say “no”, both to yourself and your child. It’s okay to say “this is my limit and no one will suffer because of it.” Now go have a great party!