Invitations: you can find interesting wooden containers, some with a leather strap. Make your invitation on parchment paper and slip it into one of these. Right away your guests get a sense of the fun ahead!
Decorations: you want to transform the area into a lush jungle which you can accomplish with a variety of fake greenery, tikis, stuffed or plastic jungle creatures, grass skirts (cut at the waist and spread on the ground). Leis curled up add beatuful colour easily.
Costumes: buffs (handkerchiefs) in colours for each tribe can be worn by your guests, along with shell jewelry, temprary tattoos, leis and war paint. (make sure you use good quality face faints)
Food: jungle juice, coconut milk, skewers of tropical fruit, meats and vegetables (not together!)
Cake: slab cake turned into tropical island by cutting off rounded sections. Use brown sugar for sand and blue jello for water.
Games: obstacle course, cocoon wrap (with toilet paper), hula hoop race, coin drop in bucket, word find, limbo, snake race (two lines of kids with a balloon at the front, passed through the legs to the one behind), tug-of-war on logs, treasure hunt, net catch (who can catch the most plastic fruit, jungle stuffies in a butterfly net)
You can incorporate some water fun, but make sure the invitation says to bring a bathing suit and towel.
Instead of having eliminations, you can award prizes to the winning tribe after each challenge. If the winning seems lop-sided, you may need to offer consolation prizes, or even switch up some tribe members. The kids are having so much fun though, rewards may not even be necessary.
We play the games in all kinds of weather, even light rain, but be prepared to move the activities indoors if it gets really bad.
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